499 – Tips, Suggestions and Ideas for Growing Clubs

Tips, Suggestions and Ideas for Growing Clubs

Pure Dog Talk Patrons join in a roundtable discussion of “how do we grow our clubs.” How do we bring the energy and enthusiasm of new members and combine it with the knowledge and experience of long-term members to make something good that grows. Recorded live at Bonneville Basin Kennel Association in Farmington, Utah.


  • “Cute kids and puppies sell newspapers. Get the media here. Get the media here talking about the great thing the dog shows are. It’s a family event. My kids are here doing this instead of off doing something sketchy.”
  • Meet the breeds at the mall, Responsible Dog Ownership Days, school presentations and involving the club in the local community activities
  • “Our dogs are our gifts to us and if we could only give the humans in our world the grace and the kindness and the forgiveness that our dogs give us every single day…”
  • “We’re all trying our very best. If someone accidentally does something that might hurt your feelings, they didn’t do it on purpose. Be kind, say OK and go about your business. Every moment in time is not drama … everybody’s trying to do their best. I just so frustrated with the way we treat each other.
  • “If you go to the club and say, ‘hey this is a great idea, you guys should do this,’ club leadership will likely balk. If you come to the club and say, ‘hey guys, I’ve got some amazing idea and I’ve got this entire six-page plan and my staff and this is how I’m going to manage it and this is what I’m going to do and I’m going to make you money while I’m at,’ the clubs be like ‘alright, go for it.’”
  • “I’m hearing give grace. I’m hearing kindness. I’m hearing be willing to volunteer your time not just give other people bright ideas. I’m hearing ‘we’re not curing world peace at the dog show.’ Let’s be nice to each other. Mutual respect, participation, support, working in the community, building local communications.”