Health & Genetics
398 – Getting Under the Skin: Demodex and other Mites
Getting Under the Skin: Demodex and other Mites Dr. Marty Greer talks about Demodex, demodectic mange and other skin mites that can cause problems in dogs. “We can start with the history of Demodex, which used to be very serious. When a dog was diagnosed with Demodex back in the day, it was sometimes a…
390 – Mastitis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Mastitis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment Dr. Marty Greer joins us for our Veterinary Voice. We’re talking about mastitis in lactating bitches. This infection can come on fast and furious with no warning. In some cases, it can be minor, in others life-threatening. Enjoy an excerpt here: Definition MG: Mastitis is inflammation or infection of the…
380 – Progesterone Timing for Pregnancy Success
Veterinary Voice: Progesterone Timing for Pregnancy Success Dr. Marty Greer and host Laura Reeves talk about progesterone, that wonderful chemical inside our girl dogs’ bodies that tells us so much. Knowing progesterone levels is imperative for not only getting the bitches pregnant, but also keeping them pregnant. “It’s really important from the beginning of the…
378 – Telemedicine for Pets Fills Need During Pandemic
Telemedicine for Pets Fills Need During Pandemic Dr. Melissa Webster is a veterinarian at Tampa veterinary hospital and Highland pet hospital in Tampa FL. Webster shares invaluable information about telemedicine for our pets in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Shelter in place orders across the country have pet owners worried about their animals’ health…
372 – Bugs are Coming! Safe Products for Breeding Dogs + Coronavirus
Bugs are Coming! Safe Products for Breeding Dogs + Coronavirus Dr. Marty Greer brings her pragmatic Veterinary Voice to the topic of Coronavirus and what products are safe to use for flea, tick and heartworm prevention in breeding dogs. COVID-19 is not currently believed to be communicable between humans and dogs. Coronavirus is a general…
367 – Dog Breeding is Art AND Science with DNA Testing
Dog Breeding is Art AND Science with DNA Testing Ryan Boyko, co-founder and CEO of Embark, shares specific information about what DNA Genetic Testing can and cannot tell us and how it has exploded since the mapping of the canine genome 15 years ago. “We can test for almost 200 disorders that affect most breeds,”…
364 – Healthy, Happy Travels to Westminster Kennel Club
Healthy, Happy Travels to Westminster Kennel Club Dr. Marty Greer provides thorough and thoughtful advice for keeping your dog healthy and happy on the way and at the big show. Preparing the Dog Enter the dog. Assure the entry has been accepted. Arrange travel. Have an appropriate travel bag or crate, depending on if the…
357 – Genetic Testing Helps You Swipe Right for Your Dog
Genetic Testing Helps You Swipe Right for Your Dog Today’s dog breeders are getting a boost from the burgeoning field of genetic testing. Doberman Diversity Project co-founder Sophie Liu talks about her work using advanced tools to improve genetic health issues in Doberman Pinschers. Liu was a vet student researching her next dog when she…
346 – Safely Incorporating Our Dogs in Holiday Festivities
Safely Incorporating Our Dogs in Holiday Festivities Dr. Marty Greer, DVM and Host Laura Reeves riff on safely incorporating our pets in the holiday festivities, from electricity to plants to food to weather. Greer’s recommendations include: Electric cord safety – wrap thin cords with metal safety coil Jingle bells on low branches for warning that…
339 – Crowd Sourcing Knowledge of Devastating Disease
Crowd Sourcing Knowledge of Devastating Disease Barb Jenness, chair of the Newfoundland Club of America Forelimb Anomaly Committee, joins host Laura Reeves to talk about the crowd sourcing their group is doing to identify and research this little-known but crippling disease. A 1981 case study conducted in Norway first described the condition: ABSTRACT A description…