13 – Legendary AKC Judge Virgina (Ginny) Lyne

AKC Judge Virginia Lyne

AKC Judge Virginia Lyne Takes Us to School! Miss Lyne, with almost 50 years of judging, speaks directly to judges and exhibitors on fascination with dogs, critiques, hands on training, judges study groups, breed comparisons and joy.
Recorded Live at AKC Nationals in Orlando, Florida.
Hosted by Laura Reeves.
Virginia Lyne, of Saanichton, B.C., Canada, grew up in many different countries, following her father who was involved in the oil business. She was born in Borneo and lived in Trinidad, Australia, Jamaica, Colombia and Texas.
After college and a year in Great Britain, she came home with a black and white English Cocker Spaniel that became the foundation of Ranzfel English Cockers. Obedience attracted her initially, and she taught classes for many years. Breeding continued under the Ranzfel prefix with many champions and Best in Show winners being successful in both Canada and the US.
Ms. Lyne began judging in Canada in 1969 and got her AKC license two years later. She has been an AKC all-breed judge since 1979. Ms. Lyne has judged across North America and around the world.
Past president of the Canadian Dog Judges Association and a member of the Dog Judges Association of America, Lyne served on the executive boards of the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America and English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada. Ms. Lyne has written extensively about English Cockers, and has been a moderator and presenter at judges’ education seminars on both sides of the border.
Ms. Lyne’s life work was education. She retired in 1996 after 35 years in secondary school education, teaching English and working as a guidance counselor. Probably as a result of this background, she is committed to judges education and has been active in seminar presentations and judges training for many years.
We are thrilled the inimitable Ms. Lyne has joined us for a chat during the AKC National Championship. She shares her thoughts on judges education, the future for exhibitors and her fascination with all dogs, even those she about whom she remarks, “Darling, your mommy loves you.”
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