72 – Steve Gladstone: AKC Board of Directors and Cardigan Welsh Corgis

Steve Gladstone – AKC Board of Directors and Cardigan Welsh Corgis
AKC Judges Biography
Steven D. Gladstone, of Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, sits on the AKC Board of Directors. He has bred and shown Cardigan Welsh Corgis under the Aragorn prefix since 1974, earning more than 100 AKC titles in nearly every aspect of the sport in which a Cardigan can compete. One of their most cherished memories was winning BOB at the 1984 AKC Centennial Show in Philadelphia under the noted Cardigan fancier Dr. Ed McGough. The Gladstones have also owned Norwegian Elkhounds, German Shepherd Dogs, and Australian Shepherds.
Mr. Gladstone began judging match shows in the late 1970s and was first approved to judge Cardigans in 1988. He now judges the Herding and Working groups and five hound breeds. Judging trips have included assignments in New Zealand, England, Canada, and most recently, Saint Petersburg, Russia. He also judged the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship show in 2003 and 2005.
Mr. Gladstone has been AKC Delegate from the Reno Kennel Club since 1999. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone are members of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America, and each has served on the club’s board of directors over the years. They are also longtime members of the Pocono Mountain Kennel Club and the Penn Ridge Kennel Club, both in Pennsylvania.
Before serving as a Delegate, Mr. Gladstone represented members of the fancy for 15 years as their attorney. Those representations concerned most every possible problem that can arise in the sport, from disciplinary matters to judges’ applications to registrations, club relations, and studbook discrepancies. Through his experience in this field, Mr. Gladstone is “proud to have helped reshape the AKC Discipline Bylaws,” which he feels gives the fanciers “a truly fair and equitable disciplinary system.”
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