Health & Genetics
294 – Veterinary Voice: Brachycephalic Breeds’ Health and Legislation
Veterinary Voice: Brachycephalic Breeds’ Health and Legislation Dr. Marty Greer visits with host Laura Reeves about the health and recent international legislation impacting Brachycephalic breeds. Pugs In Holland Pug circa 1879. Our thanks to PureDogTalk listener Kelly Schur for making these images available. Recently the Dutch Pug Club announced, with immediate effect, that the breeding…
284 – Veterinary Ethics and Building a Relationship with Your Vet
Veterinary Ethics and Building a Relationship with Your Vet Dr. Marty Greer, DVM, JD, president of the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics visits with Host Laura Reeves about how breeders and veterinarians can work together for a positive outcome. “Vets are not held in as high esteem as they have been in the past,” Greer…
276 – Trafficking in Deadly Diseases from Foreign “Rescues”
Trafficking in Deadly Diseases from Foreign “Rescues” Our guest blog post today is from Nancy Melone, with additional information about the deadly diseases arriving with foreign “rescues.” Thank you for this outstanding research Nancy! Protecting North American Dogs from Imported Disease Pathogens: The Cases of Dog Flu and Distemper* By Nancy Melone, PhD, ThornCreek Bernese,…
268 – Veterinary Voice: Newborn Puppy Risk Factors
Managing the Neonate – Early Detection and Management of Newborn Risk Factors By Dr. Marty Greer, DVM, JD Breeders, experienced and inexperienced, will benefit from monitoring their newborn pups for the following parameters. This information is modified from recent research gleaned from Neocare in France. Having specific numbers to assess and monitor can be very…
261 – AKC Doubles Your Cancer Research Dollars with a Matching Grant
AKC Doubles Your Cancer Research Dollars More than 50 percent of dogs over 10 years old will be diagnosed with cancer. Dr. Diane Brown from AKC Canine Health Foundation wants to change that statistic. AKC has pledged $250,000 in matching funds this year toward research into prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of all cancers in…
260 – Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is More Than Old Age
Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is More Than Old Age Dr. Marty Greer, DVM is back with this month’s Veterinary Voice topic, Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction/Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome: (CDS) is a neurobehavioral disorder affecting geriatric dogs and cats that is characterized by an age-related decline in cognitive abilities sufficient to affect functioning, with behavior changes…
250 – Veterinary Voice: Prostate Problems, Prevention and Solutions
Prostate Problems, Prevention and Solutions Dr. Marty Greer gives us the low down on male dog prostate and reproductive issues. Additional discussion on emergency semen collection, dogs whose semen doesn’t extend well and more. “This is an area that is often misunderstood by the general practitioner vet,” Greer said. Symptoms Symptoms of a prostatic complication…
246 – WSU Researcher Discovered the MDR1 Gene that Saves Lives
Meet the Researcher Who Discovered the MDR1 Gene Herding dog owners everywhere should know their dogs may be sensitive to ivermectin, the powerful antiparasitic drug common in most worming medication. Now you can hear directly from the researcher who discovered the MDR1 gene mutation that causes this reaction. Dr. Katrina Mealey, Ph.D, DVM, WSU Researcher,…
244 – CHF Hemangiosarcoma Initiative and Matching Funds
Hemangiosarcoma Strikes Quickly and With No Warning Canine Health Foundation (CHF) CEO Dr. Diane Brown talks with me about the most current research into hemangiosarcoma. CHF is funding a major initiative dedicated to moving the needle on this deadly disease. Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive, silent killer, Brown said. This particular cancer is specific to dogs and…
242 – Veterinary Voice: K9 Flu and Puppy Vaccination Protocols
K9 Flu Is Serious Risk Because Dogs Have No Natural Immunity Dr. Marty Greer takes us through the outbreaks of Canine Influenza (K9 Flu) in the United States. She also offers recommended vaccination protocols for adults and puppies. Outbreaks of two different strains of Canine Influenza have left U.S. dog owners struggling with if and…