38 – Throw a Party with a Premium List: Betty-Anne Stenmark’s Guide for Dog Show Chairs and Clubs

A Dog Show Should Be Fun
Listen to Episode #38 of Pure Dog Talk as Betty-Anne Stenmark shares lessons learned of how to throw a party with a premium list; a dog show that all enjoy and attracts specialty clubs to party too.
Show Chairs, Club Members, Exhibitors and Aspiring Judges will all benefit from these words of wisdom.
If you missed Episode #31 – Not a Gene Pool…A Gene Puddle , or want to hear again the humor and wisdom of AKC Judge and Breeder of Dandie Dinmont Terriers, Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark, listen here.
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[…] Episode 38 with the inimitable BettyAnne Stenmark of DelValle Kennel Club fame […]
[…] Episode 38 with the inimitable BettyAnne Stenmark of DelValle Kennel Club fame […]