678 – Resurrecting a Legendary Product

Resurrecting a Legendary Product
Tasha Mesina, new owner of Cindra, joins host Laura Reeves to discuss resurrecting a legendary grooming product.
“I had used the brand Cindra since the beginning of time on the Belgians and I loved it,” Mesina said. “Unfortunately, Cindra closed with COVID like many things did, supply chain issues, blah, blah, you know the story that everybody has. And I missed it. I really missed it.
“And I maybe didn’t realize they had closed for a hot minute until I tried to find Super Coat and then it was like why am I going on eBay to find super Coat? And so I kind of followed the chain, and found out that the company was for sale.
“It was kind of a little bit of a process to buy it, but unfortunately with them closing (during) COVID, it made it affordable for me. I couldn’t afford it before so and then closing a grooming shop, selling a property in California, it just kind of all came together at one moment.
“The Phillips started the company. Cindy Phillips was the gal and actually I got to talk to her. I actually bought the company from her son, Seth They have been absolutely fantastic to help me transition. I literally have every document that Cindra ever produced in the history of time, which is really cool. It was a lot, but it was neat to see, you know how the company got started. I mean, they had testimonials from the 80s, you know?
“It was the family owned company. It was the mom, dad and a son that took it over when they retired. Fantastic people. I mean, they’re just great. Still to this day, if I have a question, I pick up the phone, they instantly have an answer. I mean, he really, I feel, wants this to succeed because it was their baby for so many years.
“I was a dog groomer. I’m a dog breeder. Like, I didn’t understand the nuts and bolts of running a shampoo company. So it’s kind of been a huge, huge learning curve for me to understand how all of it works. People can find it at distributors, they can order it directly.
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