671 – Beagles! Phenomenal Little Hounds for Families
Beagles! Phenomenal Little Hounds for Families

Lindsay Bryson showing her Beagle at Westminster Kennel Club.
Host Laura Reeves is joined by Beagle breeder Lindsay Bryson for a deep dive on Beagles as we ramp up the Love the Breeds specials again.
Lindsay started her Beagle journey with an obedience dog and shares why that challenge helped her understand the breed better.
“I decided to really jump into the dog world with the biggest challenge I could find,” Lindsay said. “He was not even supposed to be a show dog. I had no interest in doing conformation shows. I just wanted to do something with my dog and this woman that I got my first Beagle from, she was in obedience and I thought, well that sounds like fun.
“I took him to the pet store one day and the cashier there said, wow, you have a really beautiful Beagle, you should show him in conformation. And I thought, ohh, why not? We’ll give that a try too. Sure. So that is how I fell down the rabbit hole, for lack of a better term, of conformation dog shows.
“I teach my dogs a quiet command very, very early. You do actually, technically want a loud Beagle because if you’re out in the field, you essentially send your pack out and you don’t see them, you are focusing on hearing them. So if you have a quiet Beagle that doesn’t open up and bay when they catch the scent, you’re gonna lose it. It’s going to be gone. And many people know that Beagles, once they get going, they’re not necessarily going to come back. So you need to have a loud Beagle.
“If you’re going to be taking that into your home and living with it. obviously, you don’t want that. So one of the things that I teach my dogs very, very early is ‘quiet,’ knock it off, you know, keep your volume down. Because that is what’s going to work in neighborhoods and when you have people living around you versus out in the field or on acreage.
“Living with beagles is like having a permanent 2 year old. They are just forever toddlers. They’re constantly looking for things, they’re looking for stuff to get into. They’re looking for ways to occupy their mind. It is so important to keep a Beagle’s mind busy. Because as soon as they get bored, that’s when you start running into the problems that people talk about. Digging, barking, destructive behavior, separation anxiety.

Beagles love FASTCat
“If you have a tired Beagle, it is a happy Beagle. So I always encourage people to go out and do things with their dogs, take them hiking, take them running, you know, do performance work with them, even if it’s not obedience. I’ve started running my dogs in Fast Cat and they love it. They think that is the greatest thing because all they get to do is run for 100 yards and then they get cookies at the end. It’s like the perfect Beagle job.”
342 – History: To Understand the Present, Must Know the Past
History: To Understand the Present, Must Know the Past
Lesley Hiltz, long-time Beagle breeder and conformation judge, details a new history project launched by Beagle enthusiasts worldwide.
“The Beagle History Resource is a non-profit website with the aim to preserve the history of beagles and the community surrounding it for the future. All is maintained by volunteers and beagle enthusiasts, and we rely purely on donations to keep the service free for the public,” according to the website.
The driving forces behind this initiative are: Toke Larsen from Denmark, Hiltz from the USA, Jonathon Willis from New Zealand, and Alice Cancikova from the Czech Republic. Additional volunteers are needed, Hiltz noted. Email the committee to help in any way, she added.
Saved to the cloud
Hiltz praised Larsen for his technical skill and abilities to preserve history utilizing the “cloud” into perpetuity “or whatever comes next.” The website has the capacity to host photos, writings, and other documents.
Other breeds also have developed similar concepts, including:
Beagles at sea
Hiltz’ story of transporting two of her early Beagles from England to Australia via cargo ship is mesmerizing and puts all current import/export complaints in context. Actively involved in Beagles since the early ‘60s, in Australia, England, and the United States, Hiltz offers a wide-ranging and compelling narrative of her personal history in the breed.
Preserving her breed and its history is the driving force for Hiltz in working on the development of this online resource. But she envisions it as an opportunity to develop a worldwide, all-breeds repository.
“I can envision a kennel club taking up this project and having a central location for all of the information that’s out there,” Hiltz said. “To understand the present, we must know the past.”