435 – Hot Topic: Are we “protecting our breeds into extinction”?
Hot Topic: Are we “protecting our breeds into extinction”?
Join host Laura Reeves and Amanda Kelly of Fwaggle Toy Manchester Terriers for a conversation on the hot topic of “protecting our breeds into extinction” with non-breeding contracts, limited registration and more.
“Your concept that originally we were talking about was non-breeding contracts, mine is limited registration,” Reeves said. “Which is the conversation that’s been happening down here in the States.

Advertisement in the 1956-57 Sears & Robuck Catalog.
“You’re basic posit is that most of us who are in purebred dogs today did not start with a dog that had a 10-page contract. We probably started with the dog from the newspaper. What we would today term ‘the right place’ (to buy a dog) … has changed. It was very normal, go back and look the ‘40s and ‘50s, and there were dogs advertised in the Sears catalog.”
“There’s lots of layers as to why and very good reasons (for the growth of restrictive contracts),” Kelly observed. “Regardless of the reasons why they’ve changed, we have to kind of look at what the effect of that is on the world that we live in, in the dog world, and the repercussions that are associated with this rise of more restrictive opportunities to take part in our sport.
“In Manchester it is one of the conversations that comes up again and again is this idea of ‘protecting our breeds into extinction.’ That’s not a judgment. I’m not saying that as if somehow we’re doing something wrong. We obviously are all working with the very best of intentions and with the greatest hope in our heart to keep the breeds that we have going.
“So for all the right reasons, we’re doing these things. But it doesn’t change the fact that on the other end of that there is a negative impact just from a numbers perspective. That may not make as much of a difference when you’re talking about a breed like Golden Retrievers, but when you’re talking about Otterhounds or Manchesters it does make a big difference.
“One of the things I love about Pure Dog Talk is that your conversations recognize that all of these issues are layered. Nothing is black and white. There is no right or wrong decision. You do the best that you can with the information that you have.
“You try to do the best that you can for the dogs that are in your care and the breed that you are a steward for. I think the beauty of a conversation like this is not necessarily for everyone to go out and suddenly change everything they’ve done. It’s just to prompt you to question why you do the things you do.”
If you enjoyed this conversation, check in on Amanda’s previous conversations here and here and here and here.