140 – Show Dog of the Year Awards|Corey Benedict

Show Dog of the Year!
It’s the Awards time of year in the purebred dog fancy. The AKC National Championship show presented by Royal Canin this weekend will feature the announcement of a number of huge awards from the AKC, including their nominees for Breeder of the Year and the ACE award winners for heroic dogs.
But voting is also underway for awards influenced by the purebred dog fancy at large.
Show Dog of the Year Awards
Corey Benedict, Northeast Area Manager for the Breeders Enthusiast Group at Purina ProPlan, oversees the Show Dog of the Year Awards presented by Purina and Dog News Magazine in February during the Westminster Kennel Club weekend in New York City.
Benedict, who worked for Walt Disney World as a show director for nearly 30 years, is also a breeder of Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen and president of the GBGV Club of America.
63rd Year of the Awards
He noted that the Show Dog of the Year awards are now in their 63rd year, having originally been sponsored by Ken-L Ration. He credits ProPlan’s Anne Viklund with continuing the tradition, previously known as the Winkies, after the last co-sponsor, Dogs in Review magazine, went out of business.
Our Favorite Bill McFadden to MC
The black tie, by-invitation-only event held at the elegant Gotham Hall on Saturday, Feb. 10, will be MC’d by Bill McFadden and “BestMinster” with a few surprises thrown in.
The glamorous evening celebrates the winners of the Show Dog of the Year based on Dog News points calculations, the Champions Cup based on the most points earned at Purina-sponsored shows, the AKC Achievement awards for Juniors, Obedience and Agility, the Anne Rogers Clark award for outstanding achievement in the sport and, finally, the Pro Plan Awards.
Don’t Forget to Vote
This final category is where you, our listeners, come in. Everyone in the purebred dog fancy is encouraged to vote for their favorites of three nominees, selected by committee, in each of the five categories.
Breeder of the Year
Armando Angelbello, Eileen Hackett, and Doug Johnson
The Best Breeder recipient should show a record of consistent quality over time, a high percentage of outstanding dogs, dog-friendly responsible kennel facilities and showing success at national and important specialty shows.
Nominees for Breeder of the Year:
Karen Fitzpatrick — Meadowlake Border Terriers
Lisa & Harry Miller — Kiarry American Foxhounds
Bill Shelton & Steve Leyerly & Becky Williams DVM — Coventry Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Professional Handler of the Year
Kellie Fitzgerald, Bergit Kabel, and Valerie Nunes- Atkinson
Professional handlers are undoubtedly among the most visible participants in our shows; therefore courtesy, civility and a spirit of true professionalism must be hallmarks of nominees in this category. These qualities should be extended to clients, judges, fellow exhibitors and handlers, and attending public. Criteria should include handling ability, care of animals in their charge, long-standing achievement in the sport of purebred dogs, and consideration for success over the previous 12 months.
Nominees for Professional Handler of the Year:
Angela Lloyd
Tiffany Skinner
Mike Stone
Judge of the Year
Barbara Dempsey Alderman, Frank Sabella, and Bill Shelton
Voting criteria for best judge is relatively simple. The recipient should have shown good judgement, courage of conviction, knowledge of and adherence to demands of breed standards, origin and purpose, courtesy, shown efforts to assist novice exhibitors, and any other factors which during the previous 12 months might be considered especially noteworthy.
Nominees for Judge of the Year:
Peggy Beisel McIlwaine
Dana Cline
Doug Johnson
Owner/Handler of the Year
David Fitzpatrick, Jean Hetherington, and Patricia Trotter
Nominees in this category are individuals who show their own dogs, dogs owned by members of their immediate family or those they actually co-own with another person or persons. Charging fees to show dogs for others would effectively eliminate an individual from consideration in this category. Sharing expenses with other owners would not be construed as charging a fee. Criteria should include quality of the dogs bred and exhibited, handling ability of the individual, condition and care of animals exhibited, spirit of sportsmanship and observance of proper ring etiquette, and long-standing achievement in the sport of purebred dogs. Consideration may also be given for success over the previous 12 months.
Nominees for Owner/Handler of the Year
Georgette Franzoni
Julie Mueller
Cody Sickle
Show of the Year
John Ashbey, Kim Booth, and Vicki Holloway
Limited to all-breed and Variety Group Shows that excel with appropriateness of judging panel, efficiency and smoothness of operation, hospitality of club membership, Venue (quality and supervision of showgrounds, parking areas, personal accommodations, general cleanliness), and convenience of rings for handlers and exhibitors. Criteria should also consider communications systems, efforts made by show-giving club to create spectator interest and understanding of the event and effort expended by show-giving club to make the show a memorable and enjoyable experience for the exhibitor. In addition, consider attempts made by show committee to attract entries that reflect the state of the show’s respective breeds and the effectiveness of the club’s most recent show(s) should bear particular significance. Show must have been held within the past calendar year
Nominees for Show of the Year:
Ann Arbor Kennel Club
Greeley Kennel Club
Kennel Club of Philadelphia
VOTE before December 31
Learn more about the nominees and VOTE before Dec. 31, 2017 at:
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