24 – Number 1 What?: Right Dog, Right Timing, Wrong Plan
Do you have the right dog, at the right time, competing with the right plan? Good or great breed type, handling skills or professional handler, all breed or number one in breed competitions and how to determine the best route.
23 – Our Breeds are Endangered: Preservation Breeding-Bill Shelton
Purebred Dogs Headed for Extinction? The need for Preservation Breeding has never been greater. Not only has science revealed genetic traits and health testing, but the need for learning how to integrate genetic mapping into tradition breeding traditions. AKC Judge Bill Shelton of Coventry Corgis and co-breeder Dr. Beckie Williams, DVM with special interest in…
22 – You Have a Voice: Pat Laurans – Power of the AKC Delegate Role
Delegates represent your voice to the AKC – Understand the power of the delegates role, and how the delegate body steers the AKC. Creation of Take the Lead and Pet Disaster Relief Trailers.
21 – Norma Smith: Footsteps of George Alston
Norma Smith: Helping Owner Handlers A protege of the renowned George Alston, Norma Smith provides owner handlers the opportunity to improve and become competitive through her two-day handling seminars. Professional Handler with 250 Best in Show wins, Norma has handled top dogs for both the rich and famous, and for the everyday owner.
20 – Bomb Proof Your Puppy: Dr. Gayle Watkins
How to socialize and prepare your puppy during the critical sensitive period up to 16 weeks of age. Understand the difference between Startle and Fear, what age they occur, how to train Following, and create great temperaments for life.
19 – AKC Judge Suzanne Dillin: Speaks the Hard Truth
Mrs. Suzanne Dillin AKC Judge, Vintage Breeder of Pugs and English Cockers, and Animal Artist, speaks the hard truth, straight to the point on a variety of subjects. Standards, mentors, clubs, breeders, linebreeding, stories of favorite dogs that epitomize the love of this sport… and more in this captivating interview. Recorded at AKC Nationals in…
18 – Jr Handler to Pro: 10 Tips to Beat the Odds
Junior Showmanship is the training grounds for future professional handlers and judges. Laura Reeves, PHA, and second generation handler, reveals 10 tips to consider when making the jump from junior to pro.
17 – Dr. Gayle Watkins: Transition Period in Puppies – Part 3
Dr Gayle Watkins has been breeding and showing multipurpose golden retrievers for 38 years under the kennel name Gaylan’s. Driven by a passion for science, she has taken her background as both a researcher and teacher, and applied it to breed and raise healthy, stable dogs. With the help of hundreds of wonderful Gaylan’s owners,…
16 – Bill Shelton: How to Create a Family of Dogs
AKC Judge Bill Shelton – Coventry Corgis – Master Breeders and Renowned Kennels build on successive generations to create a Family of Dogs. Curators and preservationists, Championship Breeders use 21st Century toolboxes to preserve health, purpose and type.
15 – Become a Master Handler – the 4 Levels of Handling
The Four Levels to Become a Master Handler – Each level is a unique step to success, each with unique problems, goals, focus, and achievements. Listen as Laura coaches four handlers – beginner, experienced, competitive and master – through planning to succeed at their level.