19 – AKC Judge Suzanne Dillin: Speaks the Hard Truth
Mrs. Suzanne Dillin AKC Judge, Vintage Breeder of Pugs and English Cockers, and Animal Artist, speaks the hard truth, straight to the point on a variety of subjects. Standards, mentors, clubs, breeders, linebreeding, stories of favorite dogs that epitomize the love of this sport… and more in this captivating interview. Recorded at AKC Nationals in…
18 – Jr Handler to Pro: 10 Tips to Beat the Odds
Junior Showmanship is the training grounds for future professional handlers and judges. Laura Reeves, PHA, and second generation handler, reveals 10 tips to consider when making the jump from junior to pro.
17 – Dr. Gayle Watkins: Transition Period in Puppies – Part 3
Dr Gayle Watkins has been breeding and showing multipurpose golden retrievers for 38 years under the kennel name Gaylan’s. Driven by a passion for science, she has taken her background as both a researcher and teacher, and applied it to breed and raise healthy, stable dogs. With the help of hundreds of wonderful Gaylan’s owners,…
16 – Bill Shelton: How to Create a Family of Dogs
AKC Judge Bill Shelton – Coventry Corgis – Master Breeders and Renowned Kennels build on successive generations to create a Family of Dogs. Curators and preservationists, Championship Breeders use 21st Century toolboxes to preserve health, purpose and type.
15 – Become a Master Handler – the 4 Levels of Handling
The Four Levels to Become a Master Handler – Each level is a unique step to success, each with unique problems, goals, focus, and achievements. Listen as Laura coaches four handlers – beginner, experienced, competitive and master – through planning to succeed at their level.
14 – Dr. Gayle Watkins #2 – Breeder’s Guide to Neonatal Puppies
Dr. Gayle Watkins continues with the neonatal period of puppies – the first two weeks. Mothering, improving stress management as adults, Early Neurological Stimulation, Early Scent Introduction, Avoidance of Hip Dysplasia with proper whelping box traction.
13 – Legendary AKC Judge Virgina (Ginny) Lyne
AKC Judge Virginia Lyne Takes Us to School! Miss Lyne, with almost 50 years of judging, speaks directly to judges and exhibitors on fascination with dogs, critiques, hands on training, judges study groups, breed comparisons and joy.
12 – Test Your Dog’s Instincts – Wonderful World of Dog
Dogs are amazing and working with our dog’s natural instincts is not only amazing but fun too! Field, herding, instinct, agility, nose work, barn hunt, CAT, lure coursing and more.
11 – Dr. Gayle Watkins – Nutrition of the Dam, Canine Nomograph and Puppy Immunity
Dr. Gayle Watkins from addresses the latest research on proper nutrition of the dam prior to breeding, and how the dam’s nutrition affects immunity, temperament, and life-long health in our puppies. Blood tests for maternal immunity in puppies and vaccinations are discussed.
10 – Bill and Taffe McFadden Live at AKC Nationals – Wisdom Wednesday
Bill and Taffe McFadden are two of the most beloved professional handlers in the United States. Based in Northern California, they have worked together for well over 30 years to present some of the top dogs in the country. Three times they have taken dogs to #1 all breeds in the nation, including the incomparable Mick, the Kerry Blue Terrier who won Best in Show at the Garden in 2003, Spirit the Giant Schnauzer and Harry the Dandy Dinmont Terrier.
They have a half dozen top handler awards and 10 Westminster KC group wins between them.
Their proudest accomplishments? Raising three sane children.