Friday Fun: Jason Duby Calls the Coonhounds|Pure Dog Talk

Jason Duby on Blue Tick Coonhounds Night Hunts
If terms like Strike & Stay, or the definition of “Treed” are foreign to you, listen to Episode #44 on Pure Dog Talk for a fun and fascinating look into the “hound dawgs”.
Jason reveals how night hunts are run, how the points are scored, and championships are awarded. When the raccoons are treed and “spotted”, they are free to run another day and not injured during the competition.
Just listen to the excitement of the coonhounds instinctually baying at the treed raccoon.
Say You Heard Jason on PureDogTalk
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So very thankful for the opportunity to be part of this! Its always nice to to show how deep our traditions run and the love of our hounds. May we all breed for a better tomorrow filled with purposeful and sound hounds.
Hope to talk to you all again in the future.. Happy hunting!