Friday Fun: Dr. Gayle Watkins: Transition Period Stimulation in Puppies – Part 3

Episode 3 from Dr. Gayle Watkins:
To understand the Transition Period in Puppies, from “potatoes to puppies” , is to understand what remarkable growth is going on inside their brain and nervous system.
Unable to Learn:
- Fearless
- Need stimulation
- Sound introduction
- Environment
Potty Training
Preparation for the Sensitive Period Begins
Since Gayle has offered so many resources over our to PureDogTalk listeners this month, there is a resource page just for us:
More will be going up with next week’s show.
But we thought it would help if everything was in one place for you.
Watch the Adventure Box in Action!
How to Build a Potty Box
How to Build An Adventure Box
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