Wednesday Wisdom: AKC Judge Virginia Lyne

School is in Session!
After nearly 50 years of Canadian and AKC judging, “Ginny” Lyne sets us straight. Here are just a few of the high points:
Be fascinated by all dogs, not just your own breed.
History of judge education – oral committee exams, written, closed book exams.
Be curious, ask questions, and learn what is behind the breed.
Comments & Critiques & Education
In the ring – Help exhibitors feel that they understand the selection, that it is not a mystery, and help them to breed better dogs.
Learn from exhibitors – judges might ask knowledgeable exhibitors questions on the finer points of their breed.
Judges’ education is very expensive.
Hands-on training is critical
Judges Study Group
Story of British Columbia study group
Consider side-by-side comparisons
It’s just another dog show – lighten up.
Find something positive about each dog to say.
See what your dog looks like in the ring.
The dog that you went into the ring, is the dog you take out… the judge didn’t change that.
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