People & Places

199 – New Resource Launched for Dog Community

New Resource Launched for Worldwide Dog Community Cheryl Krajcar with one of her handling clients. Third generation dog breeder Cheryl Krajcar has created a fascinating new community on the information super highway, just for dog people. Her fledgling start-up has “great bones” and tremendous potential for dog people everywhere. On the chain gang “I remember,…


196 – “Bracing” Talk: Pedigrees, Critiques and Skill

Andrew Brace on Pedigrees, Critiques and Skillful Handlers In the third and final installment of my interview with international dogman Andrew Brace, he shared his knowledge on reading pedigrees, writing judge’s critiques and the definition of expert presentation in a wide-ranging and brutally honest discussion. Our conversation also touched on the influence of animal rights…


195 – “Brace Yourself” for a Peek at the Masters

Behind the Scenes Peek at the Masters Brace (center) moderating a panel with Michael Canalizo, Mary Dukes, Peter Green and a young handler from Europe. In the second installment of my interview with international dogman Andrew Brace, he shares his personal memories of masters in the sport. His observations and interactions with Anne Rogers Clark,…


194 — Andrew Brace “Totally Obsessed with Dogs”

“Totally Obsessed with Dogs” and Finding Quality Born to a long tradition of dogmen from Wales, Andrew Brace acquired his first Boxer in 1963 and began judging in the UK while still a young man. A strong voice in the international purebred dog community today, Brace is a long-time breeder, Best in Show judge and…


192 – AKC President Dennis Sprung on Public Outreach

AKC President Dennis Sprung on Public Outreach AKC President & CEO Dennis Sprung joins the presentation of BIS at the 2017 AKCNC in Orland, Fla. President and Chief Operating Officer of the American Kennel Club since 2003, Dennis Sprung has ardently pursued projects designed to share the message of the human-canine bond. Starting in dogs…


189 – Ins and Outs of RV Parking at Dog Events

RV Parking Crews Not “Parking Nazis” Bert and Bruce Rettick, dog show RV parking mavens in Northern California, share their knowledge and advice about safe parking of rigs at events. “We take the responsibility off of club members,” Bert said. “If you take two or three club members and put them out in an RV…


188 – Bruce Schultz’s Secret – Be Happy for the Other Guy

Bruce Schultz’s Secret to Success and Longevity – Be Happy for the Other Guy Bruce Schultz is a living legend in the world of professional handlers. Still actively showing dogs, Schultz said the secret to his longevity is being happy for the winner. “You’ve gotta be happy for the other person,” Schultz said. “I think…


187 – Reznik Pt. 2: Ad Design Success, Reading & Dreaming

Ad Design Success, Reading & Dreaming Magazine editor and writer Allan Reznik is back with part two of his fun and helpful interview. His advertising “best practices” tips are outstanding suggestions about when to advertise and how to design a successful ad. His Reading List recommendations are insightful and his Dream BIS lineup is a…


185 — Allan Reznik on Magazine and Advertising Tips

Allan Reznik on Magazine and Advertising Tips An affinity for stray dogs and a random encounter with Dog World magazine brought Allan Reznik into a lifetime of dogs. He talked his father into dropping him off at a dog show in Montreal, at age 12. An Afghan exhibitor recognized his interest, and sent him in…


181 – Dog Show Judges, Family and Welcoming Exhibitors

Dog Show Judges, Family and Welcoming Exhibitors Dog show judges, their knowledge and skill level are a constant topic of conversation in purebred dogs. This isn’t a new discussion. From the days when new judges were hand-picked by one of the “in crowd” to today’s more egalitarian system, the role of adjudicating in a subjective…