194 — Andrew Brace “Totally Obsessed with Dogs”
“Totally Obsessed with Dogs” and Finding Quality Born to a long tradition of dogmen from Wales, Andrew Brace acquired his first Boxer in 1963 and began judging in the UK while still a young man. A strong voice in the international purebred dog community today, Brace is a long-time breeder, Best in Show judge and…
195 – “Brace Yourself” for a Peek at the Masters
Behind the Scenes Peek at the Masters Brace (center) moderating a panel with Michael Canalizo, Mary Dukes, Peter Green and a young handler from Europe. In the second installment of my interview with international dogman Andrew Brace, he shares his personal memories of masters in the sport. His observations and interactions with Anne Rogers Clark,…
270 – David Fitzpatrick on Pekingese, the Palace Dogs of Peking
David Fitzpatrick on Pekingese, the Palace Dogs of Peking David Fitzpatrick, 2012 Westminster Kennel Club BIS winner with the Pekingese, Malachy, was obsessed with dogs as a child. Although his parents wouldn’t let him own a dog, he found ways to be involved with them by walking and housesitting dogs in the neighborhood. David Fitzpatrick…
196 – “Bracing” Talk: Pedigrees, Critiques and Skill
Andrew Brace on Pedigrees, Critiques and Skillful Handlers In the third and final installment of my interview with international dogman Andrew Brace, he shared his knowledge on reading pedigrees, writing judge’s critiques and the definition of expert presentation in a wide-ranging and brutally honest discussion. Our conversation also touched on the influence of animal rights…